-Reduces puffiness in the face
-Fights under eye bags
-Under eye roller
-Lymphatic massager
-The body & main detoxification system
-Reduces the appearance of fine lines. (especially relaxing when used as a handheld massaging tool)
Jade Roller
1. Clean the massage tool and face before massage.
2. For facial massage, use a large jade roller to push the skin from bottom to top to tighten the skin and avoid muscle relaxation.
3. For eye massage, use a small jade roller to roll from the inside to the outside and massage clockwise; this will reduce the eyeliner and prevent wrinkles.
4. Recommend use 10-15 minutes per day.
Gua sha scraper
1. For eyes: move from inside to outside slowly and gently, repeat 5 to 15 times. Note: do not get scraping cream into your eyes.
2. For nose: slowly from top to the tip of the nose, repeat 5 to 10 times until the skin get slight hot.
3. For face: do not touch your skin with your finger, press the scraping board whlie move it from bottom to top slowly and gently, repeat 10 to 15 times.
4. For neck: slowly from top to bottom, repeat 10 to 20 times until the skin get slight hot.
TIP: Cool the roller by either placing it in the fridge or by placing on ice for a further refreshing and cooling effect. It can be used by itself or in combination with your eye creams and face serums.
1 x Face Jade Roller
1 x Gua sha massage tool